Thursday, July 26, 2012

Material Science Publication



            The possibility of using rice husk ash (RHA) and palm oil fiber (POF) as filler in stone mastic asphalt (SMA10) as road surfacing materials was determined in this study entitled “Rice Husk Ash and Palm Oil Fiber: Potential Filler for Stone Mastic Asphalt 10”.
            This study aims to determine durability and strength as surfacing materials in road construction, the significant proportion of RHA and POF that could pass the specification and compare the results with RHA and POF as filler to BCA Specification (BCA 9808) for SMA10.
Methods were rice husk ash preparation, palm oil fiber, preparation, making sample bituminous mixture design and characterization of bituminous mixture.
            Standard Marshall Mix Design Method (ASTM D 1599) test for asphalt were conducted like, Voids at Refusal Density, Retained Tensile Strength, and Flow/Total Deformation. The result was compared to BCA Specification for SMA.
Using the standard mix for SMA10 and adding RHA and POF, results showed that Trial 3, Set B, with 7% RHA and 1% POF, got the highest retained strength which is 99.61% versus the minimum standard of 75% while SET A with 6% RHA and 1% POF did not pass the minimum requirement. POF and RHA in trial 3B enhanced the stability strength with just enough plasticity to avoid permanent deformation. Three replicates show there is no significant variations and are comparable filler to BCA Specification (BCA 9808) for SMA10. 
            Results for Voids at Refusal Density, Retained Tensile Strength, and Flow/Total Deformation suggest that physical characteristics of SMA10 with RHA and POF are favorable for surfacing material. Significant proportion of Rice Husk Ash and Palm Oil Fiber were determined.

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